While jackfruit is native to India, it can be found all over Uganda. In the central, it’s affectionately referred to as ffene (fen-neh).
It’s low in saturated fat, and super high in potassium, calcium, protein, iron, magnesium, and vitamin C and B-6. It grows year round. It’s drought resistant, heat resistant, you can eat it ripe ( best here)
The jackfruit, Called Fene (or ffene) in Uganda (botanical name Artocarpus heterophyllus), like the red hot chili is native to southeast Asia. Its light green skin, rough texture, sticky sap and sweet, light yellow, rubbery fruit encasing a hard white nut, are familiar to many Ugandans. It is easy to eat but a particularly messy inconvenience to clean up after.
But at smartaccessbusiness we bring it to you freshly packed, clean and ready for you to eat right away.
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